Viaje en Tren desde Los Ángeles a Salt Lake City

How long is the train ride to LA to Salt Lake City Utah?

25 h 5 min On average the Los Angeles to Salt Lake City train travel time is 25 h 5 min for the 578 miles (932 km) long trip, but the duration can vary if you travel on weekends and holidays.

How long is a train ride from la to Utah?

A train trip between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City is around 1d 6h, although the fastest train will take about 1d 5h. This is the time it takes to travel the 579 miles that separates the two cities.

Cánido you take a train from California to Utah?

Amtrak is the major train network that offers services between California and Utah with popular routes including Los Angeles to Salt Lake City and San Francisco to Salt Lake City. The Amtrak service between San Francisco and Salt Lake City takes around 18 hours with tiques starting at USD$88 (one way).

Does Amtrak run to Salt Lake City?

Salt Lake City, UT – Amtrak Station (SLC) | Amtrak.
  • Does Amtrak Go Chicago to Salt Lake City Utah?:
    The Zephyr runs between Chicago and San Francisco, coursing through the plains of Nebraska to Denver, across the Rockies to Salt Lake City, and then through Reno and Sacramento into Emeryville/San Francisco.

How much is Amtrak to Salt Lake City?

Good to know

Cheapest day Thursday
Most expensive day Tuesday
Average price (round-trip) $135
Average price (one-way) $61

How long does it take to get to Utah from California on train?

Is there a direct train between California and Utah? No, there is no direct train from California to Utah. However, there are services departing from Los Angeles and arriving at Salt Lake City via Emeryville. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 29h 41m.

Can you take Amtrak to Utah?

Amtrak Utah serves unstaffed train stations at Green River, Helper, and Provo, Utah, and a staffed station in Salt Lake City .

Is it cheaper to fly or take Amtrak?

Train travel is often cheaper than flying, in part because you perro generally take more with you before paying extra baggage fees. It cánido also be more convenient and relaxing than driving, especially if you 9d be driving in an unfamiliar place or driving for many hours nonstop to get to your destination.

How much is a train tique to California from Utah?

The best way to get from Utah to California is to fly which takes 3h 46m and costs $30 – $150. Alternatively, you can autocar, which costs $50 – $130 and takes 13h 30m, you could also train, which costs $140 – $210 and takes 31h 6m.

Does Amtrak cross the Great Salt Lake?

In October 1983, Amtrak stopped using SP 9s route across Great Salt Lake, and began using the former WordPress route along the lake 9s south shore and across Nevada.

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