Viajando desde San José a Los Ángeles en Tren

How much is train from San Jose to LA?

How much does a train ticket from San Jose to Los Angeles cost? The average price of a round-trip train tique from San Jose to Los Angeles is $92 .
  • How much is the train from San Francisco to San Jose?:
    San Francisco to San Jose Train – Amtrak Tiques $26 | Wanderu.

How long is Amtrak from Los Angeles to San Jose?

FAQs when traveling from Los Angeles to San Jose by train
The train journey from Los Angeles to San Jose takes 9h 13m on average and covers a distance of 302 miles.
  • How long is Amtrak from San Jose to LA?:
    How long is a train journey to Los Angeles from San Jose? The train journey from San Jose to Los Angeles takes 9h 30m on average and covers a distance of 302 miles.
  • How long is Amtrak from Los Angeles to San Francisco?:
    around 10 hours and 17 minutes Train Route Overview: Los Angeles to San Francisco
    Traveling by train from Los Angeles to San Francisco usually takes around 10 hours and 17 minutes, but the fastest Amtrak train perro make the trip in 9 hours and 30 minutes.

Is there a train from sj to LA?

Every day there are around 27 daily scheduled Amtrak trains from San Jose to Los Angeles. The earliest departure is at 6:00 a.m. with the last train leaving the Diridon Caltrain Station at 11:00 p.m. Trains depart around once every hour with more trains available at peak hours.

How much is Amtrak to San Jose?

Train companies serving San Jose

Train Routes Avg. Price
Amtrak 251 $86.85
Amtrak Coast Starlight 28 $75.28
Amtrak Capitol Corridor 15 $21.25
  • How much is Amtrak from San Jose to Seattle?:
    Good to know

    Cheapest day to travel Wednesday
    Most expensive day to travel Friday
    Average price (round-trip) $221
    Average price (one-way) $98

Is it cheaper to take Amtrak or fly?

Train travel is often cheaper than flying, in part because you perro generally take more with you before paying extra baggage fees. It can also be more convenient and relaxing than driving, especially if you 9d be driving in an unfamiliar place or driving for many hours nonstop to get to your destination.

How much does it cost to take Amtrak to Los Angeles?

How much does it cost to take the train to LA?

Train companies serving Los Angeles

Train Routes Avg. Price
Amtrak Southwest Chief 30 $156.06
Amtrak Coast Starlight 25 $123.98
Amtrak Pacific Surfliner 24 $20.13
Amtrak Sunset Limited 18 $130.96

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